Nandi Lee is a frequently engaged vocalist, musician and composer.
Currently working with dancer/ choreographer Mireia Piñol, composing for the next show STRAGILS.
Composed and performed in Mireia Piñol show USTOPIA:
Co-lab with amazing Rap Artist Mandy Rich:
December 2021
Subtopia, Stockholm
Photo Cattis Zander
Photo Hedda Axelsson
Director Alexander Weibel Weibel
Artists Sarah Lett, Angela Wand, Peter Åberg, Nikolas Pulka
Dansbaneeländet 2021
Runmarö Allstars 2021
The Big-Ass-BBQ
Clowns without borders, Algeria.
Music: Nandi Lee and Mattias Andersson
Nandi Lee and Siri Hamari
Clowns without Borders